
Environmental and energy performance, health and well-being,
quality connectivity and digital services:
Oxy.Gem is committed to achieving the highest level of
certification in all of these fields.

This will be a major draw for users seeking to
embody their ESG policy and sustainably manage
their environmental footprint in the workplace.

With 6 certifications and labels, Oxy.Gem delivers
responsible spaces with strong ethical values,
serving your business’ sustainable development.

Here, your people can appreciate
the full value of your ESG policy.

948 m²

Oxy.Gem is the promise of a pristine environment,
where a new experience awaits every single day.

A serene and restorative
workplace experience

A digital detox space to recharge your batteries.
Sheltered from the hustle and bustle of life in the French capital,
insulated from all kinds of digital signals, and equipped with lighting that mimics
natural daylight.
A place you can come to recharge your own battery at any time.
This respite will be much appreciated by anyone who wants to
log off from a hyper-connected
world and escape magnetic waves for a while.

Well-being space
Because well-being in the workplace
translates into performance and creativity, Oxy.Gem provides
dedicated spaces for relaxation. A special place
designed with relaxation and social contact in mind,
the well-being space is where you can
get together in an informal setting to
regain your energy over the course of the day.

Multiple connections to the
city’s transport network.

Oxy.Gem provides real freedom of movement and is easy to reach by public transport,
by bike, or on foot.

Its private car park with electric vehicle charging terminals
means that you can take your car to work when you need to.